Customer Help
Our happiness team is always here to assist.
Common purchase queries answered
Orders and Shipping
The REPBAGSTORE team promises that our versions are the best. It will be difficult for your friends or relatives to distinguish between real and fake. At the same price, our quality is the best, allowing you to compare with other sellers.
Please add products to your cart and submit your order. You will get the corresponding order number, and then contact our customer service to obtain payment information. Our customer service will reply within 3 minutes.
Check your email, there will usually be a tracking number email. The package will be delivered in about 8-13 days. If there are customs inspections or weather factors, the package may be delayed. If the item is not delivered within 25 days, please contact customer service and we will arrange re-delivery or refund.
The basic shipping fee is $20, the shipping fee for each pair of shoes is $30, and the shipping fee for clothing is $10.
If the package stops updating or is destroyed by customs, contact our customer service for re-delivery (if UPS or Fedex shows delivery, this situation is deemed delivered by default)
They might be shipped in separate packages, and multiple tracking numbers will be provided after shipping.
We support 90% of countries except Africa and remote island countries.
All available payment methods will be listed on checkout page.
If you need to swap an item
Returns and Exchanges
Please contact customer service to obtain the return address (the return address is in China, you need to bear the shipping fee)
If size and product is wrong, we can reship. but you need return it.
we will send you address to return it and we will pay the ship fee
We will not make any claims if the shoe box is damaged.
If there is a weight problem with the product, we can refund or resend it.
Please contact customer service to obtain the return address (the return address is in China, you need to bear the shipping fee)
Please contact us via email or Whatsapp.
Please contact the post office for address modification.
If we do not receive the return, we cannot refund or exchange the item.
Order cancellations require a cancellation fee as we need to pay the financial service provider.
Yes, you can.